Sunday, February 9, 2014

Vacation Photos

I was thinking of what new photography related topic to write about.  My latest photos are from a vacation in Hawaii.  They are a hodge-podge typical of an amateur photographer on a trip with family.  Perhaps one difference for me is that I like birding, so there are more bird pictures than a typical traveler might have. Mmm? …

As I think about it now, there could be several motivations for vacation pictures. Most common would be to document the trip.  Children in front of a Disneyland Goofy would be an example. But on reflection I realize that I used the Hawaii trip as an excuse to use the camera in more purely photographic learning and play.  I have pictures of birds, flowers, sunsets etc.  I have only a few real “vacation” pictures. 

See what I mean:

Now here are my Photography "play around" shots: