Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Once again too much time has passed.  I have ignored this blog, if it is a blog? Well yesterday I came across something that is worthy of telling you. 

I have always been a fan of Flickr for web posting of photos.  I have been a member since 2005.  Much has happened in those 10 years, many changes to a simple site.  An important happening was the purchase of Flickr by Yahoo. This brought many more talented people into designing and implementing the photo sharing web site.

Here is one of the latest new functions.  It is called, “Magic View.” I’m not sure how it would work on other peoples photos, but on my “Camera Roll” of 3,122 pictures it is really cool. Somehow my pictures are classified into types, mostly by subject;  bird, portrait, abstract, animal (dog), animal (insect), animal (other), scenery (mountain), scenery (forest).  Some of the classifications are not by subject, like “black and white”, or style “depth of field” or style, “bright.” The pictures are displayed in square thumbnails such that 50 or so can be shown on one screen.  Pictures can be on multiple subjects, like flowers and bright.  The effect is dazzling.  

I hope the link below takes you to my Flickr site where you can use the “Magic View”

If you can’t get the actual page here is a screen shot from my photos

I think Magic View only works on camera roll, not photostream.  Also, I note that camera roll is called “beta” so good luck.