Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Change of Display.  

Pictures can be shown to others in many ways, many formats.  One is 4 X 6 prints in an album. I still do this with a few photos, just to keep the family albums on the book shelf  up to date.  Large prints can be made for framing or putting on the wall. We have a "happy wall" in our garage with all sizes of family and friends photos.  Pictures can be left in electronic form and shown on the computer or TV. Pictures can be emailed or posted on Flickr or the like. Pictures can be left in a "photostream" for viewing on a phone or iPad.

Pictures can also be strung together into a show with fancy transitions and music or audio comments.  We are still talking photos here, but the method of display is way beyond a static photo on a web page or in an album.  The method entails actually turning the photos into a slide show, then making a movie. The end product must be shown using equipment or programs designed for showing movies.

Making movies out of slide shows, then showing them somewhere involves complications.  There are problems like file size, file format, display quality etc. The above show "A Different Display" was intended to be more high definition, but I gave up that idea after too much time experimenting with no results. The pictures are selected from my last 3 months of photos saved in Apples iPhoto program.  Below are some of the photos displayed not in a movie, but more simply.