Monday, March 4, 2013

When to Take Pictures

When I look back at my last 5000 pictures or so I realize that some were very purposely taken and others just got snapped because I had a camera. Good photos came from either situation, though more were the result of planning. 

Situations where there could be preplanning are for example a party, a relatives visit, children's event, vacation, trip, etc. Also, in my case I sometimes just go out to a good birding location or an interesting or beautiful place with the idea that I am going to take pictures.  The pictures are actually my excuse for going. I think this is when I take my best shots. Photography is on my mind, so I'm looking with a photographers eye, an artist's eye. I also have the right equipment, the best camera and lens, perhaps a tripod or monopod. I'm alert. If you haven't done this, try leaving the house with your only purpose to take pictures, make it a  photo expedition. 

The opposite case is the casual photograph. I try to take some kind of camera everywhere.  If you read the previous post you will know that lately I'm using my cell phone camera. Previously I used a small Canon point and shoot, a Power Shot Elph 300 HS. I'm more comfortable with the Canon, but I am forcing myself to use the cell phone. I feel with practice I will be able to take equally good pictures. When shooting impromptu more skill is required because time will be short and the equipment limited. Slow down and think for a second or two: lighting, focus, composition, steady camera, number of exposures. etc. This can turn the snapshot into a real photo.  Remember we usually take a picture with the hope that someone will view it. 

Here are some examples of both purposeful and impromptu pictures.:

The pictures that were planned ahead of time:

The below pictures were impromptu:

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